Monday, August 30, 2010


On the floor of this abandoned Ninth Ward rec center, a rusted hammer reveals its time spent under water.

Signs of former life lived.

This day care center sits rotting in the Holy Cross neighborhood of the Ninth Ward. Plastic Easter eggs and laminated cartoon characters remain unchanged, sad reminders of how far this place has come from where it once was. A clock hangs motionless on the wall, presumably since time stood still five years ago.

Rebuilding...and still smiling

Covered in dust, thoroughly undaunted. A man takes a break while rebuilding his destroyed home in the Ninth Ward.

Who, me?

A card in the rubble of a destroyed, abandoned rec center.

Flowers Make Creative Homes for Themselves

Life continues to spring up, in and around the deterioration.

The foliage thrives

I visit this house every year, hoping to find signs of life and progress. The house continues to disintegrate as the greenery reclaims the space.

10/09, Ruiz Sandwich Shop Revisited

Little sign of hope in the sandwich shop. 10/09